 Soil Scientists
 Comp Scientists
 Former Team

People: Former Team Members

Photo of Josh Cogan

Josh Cogan: I graduated from JHU with degrees in Physics and Math. I helped write the "About the Sensors" section of LUYF. I am now working toward a Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford University. Besides work, I spend my time cooking and getting adjusted to my new home in sunny Palo Alto.

Temporary photo of Julia Klofas

Julia Klofas: I am an undergraduate and I play with building, deploying, and the weather station. I am actually majoring in astrophysics, but minoring in earth and planetary science - and here I get to play with dirt a lot more often. Besides that, I am a kayaking leader for the outdoors club on campus, and am involved with various pro-environmental, pro-choice, pro-troops/anti-war, pro-chocolate, anti-socioeconomic disadvantages, and pro-happiness groups - what can I say, I'm from California.