Publications and Talks

  1. K. Szlávecz, S. A. Placella, R.V. Pouyat, P. M. Groffman, Cs. Csuzdi and I. Yesilonis. 2005. Invasive earthworm species and nitrogen cycling in remnant forest patches. Applied Soil Ecology, in press
  2. Sfenthourakis, S., P.B. de Araujo, E. Hornung, H. Schmalfuss, S. Taiti and K. Szlávecz, (eds): 2004. The Biology of Terrestrial Isopods. Crustaceana Monographs 2. Brill, Leyden, pp.386.
  3. Csuzdi, Cs. and K. Szlávecz: 2003. Lumbricus friendi Cognetti, 1904 a new exotic earthworm from North America. Northeastern Naturalist 10 (1): 77-82.
  4. Hornung, E. and K. Szlávecz, 2003. Establishment of a Mediterranean Isopod (Chaetophiloscia sicula Verhoeff, 1908) in a North American Temperate Forest. Crustaceana Monographs Crustaceana Monographs 2: 181-189
  5. Korsós, Z., E. Hornung, K. Szlávecz & J. Kontschán 2002. Isopoda and Diplopoda of urban habitats: New data to the fauna of Budapest. Ann. Zool Nat. Hist. Mus. Hung. 94: 45-51
  6. Csuzdi, Cs. and K. Szlávecz, 2002. Diplocardia patuxentis, a new earthworm species from Maryland, North America (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae). Ann. Zool Nat. Hist. Mus. Hung. 94: 193-208.
  7. Szlávecz, K. and Maiorana, V.C.: 1998. Supplementary food in the diet of terrestrial isopods - Israel Journal of Zoology. 44: 413-421.
  8. Szlávecz, K. 1995: Diversity and spatial community structure of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea) in a mosaic of plant assemblages - Crustacean Issues, 7: 97-107.
  9. Szlávecz, K. & Pobozsny, M: 1995. Coprophagy in isopods and diplopods: a case for interaction - Ann. Zool. Fennica, 196: 124-128.
  10. Szlávecz, K.: 1993. Needle litter consumption by two terrestrial isopods, Protracheoniscus amoenus (C.L. Koch) and Cylisticus convexus (de Geer) - Pedobiologia, 37: 57-64
  11. Szlávecz, K. 1992: The role of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda, Oniscidea) in the decomposition of aquatic macrophyte detritus of Lake Balaton, Hungary - Opusc. Zool., 25: 103-112.
  12. Hornung, E., Warburg, M. R. & Szlávecz, K.: 1991. Trends and methods in terrestrial isopod ecology: a round-table discussion - Proc. Fourth Eur. Congr. of Entomology, Gödöllö, Hungary, 1991, pp. 747-750.
  13. Szlávecz, K. & Loksa, I.: 1991. Diversity of soil macroarthropods in the Bátorliget Nature Reserves (Hungary) - Proc. Fourth Eur. Congr. of Entomology, Gödöllö, Hungary, 1991, pp. 801-807
  14. Szlávecz, K.: 1991. Food selection by isopods in laboratory experiments, Reports in Zoology, 77: 125-135.
  15. Szlávecz, K.: 1991. The terrestrial isopod fauna of the Hortobágy National Park - Miscnea zool. hung. 6: 61-66, 1991.
  16. Allspach, A. & Szlávecz, K.: 1990. The terrestrial isopod (Isopoda, Oniscidea) fauna of the Bátorliget Nature Reserves - In: Mahunka, S. (ed): The Bátorliget Nature Reserves - After Forty Years, Studia Naturalia 1, Hung. Nat. Hist. Mus. Publ. 1990, pp.251-257.
  17. Szlávecz, K. and Maiorana, V.C.: 1990. Food selection by isopods in paired choice tests, Proc. Third Symp. on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, (P. Juchault & Mocquard, J.P. eds.) Poitiers, France, 1990, pp.115-121.
  18. Szlávecz, K.: 1988. The isopod fauna of the Pilis Biosphere Reserve. I. Basaharc loess mine, Opusc. Zool. (Budapest) 23: 89-195.
  19. Szlávecz, K.: 1987. selected entries in the Biological Encyclopedia, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest (in Hungarian).
  20. Szlávecz, K.: 1986. Food selection and nocturnal behaviour of the land snail, Monadenia hillebrandi mariposa A.G. Smith (Pulmonata: Helminthoglyptidae) - The Veliger, 29:183-190.
  21. Török, J. and Szlávecz, K: 1986. Strategies of food search and feeding among animals - Current Problems in Biology, 34: 193-261 (in Hungarian)
  22. Szlávecz, K.: 1985. Community organization and succession on marine rocky shores. - Stud. Biol. 12: Problems of coenological succession (G. Fekete ed.) p.189-201. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest (in Hungarian)
  23. Szlávecz, K.: 1985. The effect of microhabitats on the leaf litter decomposition and on the distribution of soil animals, Holarctic Ecology, 8: 33-38.
  24. Szlávecz, K.: 1981. The effects of microhabitats on the decomposition processes of the leaf litter in a hornbeam-oak forest of Hungary - Ph.D. Thesis, Eötvös University, Budapest.
  25. Zicsi, A., Pobozsny, M. and Szlávecz, K: 1978. Die Bedeutung der Mikrohabitate bei Srreuzersetzungsprozessen in einem Hainbuchen-Eichenwald Ungarns, Opusc. Zool. (Budapest) 15:155-163.


  1. Szlávecz, K. P. Warren, and S.T.A. Pickett 2005. Biodiversity in the Urban Landscape Ecological Studies.
  2. Pickett, S.T.A. et al 2003. Beyond Urban Legends: Improved ecological management for cities and suburbs. BioScience

Invited talks:

  1. Szlávecz, K. Urban biodiversity: Challenges in a heterogeneous landscape Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Salt Lake City UT (2004).
  2. Szlávecz, K.: Disturbance and soil faunal community dynamics: lessons from American and European cities. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR (2004).
  3. Szlávecz, K., P.M. Groffman and R.V. Pouyat: Soil fauna and nutrient cycling in urban and rural riparian zones. Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO (2003).
  4. Szlávecz, K and Cs. Csuzdi: Native and Introduced Earthworms in the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary. JBWS Research Conference: “Coastal Decision Makers’ Workshop” May 2, (2003).
  5. Szlávecz, K.: Beloved Isopoda: a Tribute to Marie Flasarova and Overview of Oniscidean Research. 5th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Irakleio, Greece, (2001).
  6. Szlávecz, K.: Arthropod Research in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study - Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Arthropod Studies at LTER Network Workshop, Snowmass, (2000).

Abstracts and Talks

  1. Szlávecz, K., R.P. Pouyat, I. Yesilonis, P. Groffman and Q. Holifield: The suburban landscape: patterns and processes in the soil. ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference, UMBC, Baltimore (2005).
  2. Juhaszova, K. and K. Szlávecz. Invasive terrestrial isopods and soil nutrient cycling ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference UMBC, Baltimore, (2005).
  3. Szlávecz, K., A.S. Szalay, W. Hong, D. Wertheimer, A. Terzis, and R. Burns: The Use of Wireless Sensor Networks in Soil Ecology. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, (2004).
  4. Hornung E., K. Szlávecz and M.Dombos. Life history characteristics of Trachelipus rathkei and Cylisticus convexus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) in a North American urban forest. 6th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Aveiro, Portugal, (2004).
  5. Cavigelli, M. A., J. R. Teasdale, K. Szlávecz, K. Nichols, and V. S. Green. The USDA-ARS Farming Systems Project: Evaluating the sustainability of organic and conventional cropping systems in the Mid-Atlantic region. ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference, Lancaster, PA (2004).
  6. Townsend, K. and K. Szlávecz. Feeding behavior of Narceus annularis, a native North American millipede. ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference, Lancaster, PA (2004).
  7. Pitz, S.L., K. Szlávecz and M.A. Cavigelli. Hydrology and earthworms in agroecosystems. ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference, Lancaster, PA (2004).
  8. Stiltz, J. and K. Szlávecz. The effect of lawn care on arthropod diversity. ESA Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference, Lancaster, PA (2004).
  9. Clark, S., M. Cavigelli, and K. Szlávecz. Ground beetle communities in conventional, no-till, and organic farming systems of the mid-Atlantic region. Research Symposium in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Lexington, KY, (2004).
  10. Szlávecz, K. and P. Groffman. Invasive earthworms and N-cycling: Do species matter? BES Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. (2004).
  11. Juhaszova K. and K. Szlávecz. Variation over time in population size and reproductive characteristics of two invasive isopod species. BES Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. (2004).
  12. Berkowitz, A., J. M. Grove, K.E.H. Steele, W.C. Zipperer, R.V. Pouyat, C.H. Nilon, G. Middendorf and K. Szlávecz. Teacher and student investigations of urban ecosystems with the Baltimore Ecosystem Study. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA (2003).
  13. Placella, S.A., K. Szlávecz and M. Cavigelli. Sustainable Agro-ecosystems: Alternative Farming Methods and Soil Fauna. Council for Undergraduate Research: Posters on the Hill, Washington, D.C. (2003).
  14. Szlávecz, K. and E. Hornung. 9th Biennial Conference of the Soil Ecological Society. Palm Springs, CA. (2003).
  15. Csuzdi C., K. Szlávecz and M. Cavigelli: Effects of crop management systems on species composition and abundance of earthworm commutities (Oligochaeta). 5th Ecological Congress of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, August (2003).
  16. Hornung, E. and K. Szlávecz. Population and Reproductive characteristics of non-indigenous isopods (Crustacea:Oniscidea) 5th Ecological Congress of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, August (2003).
  17. Szlávecz, K. S. Placella, R. Pouyat, V. Giorgio, P. Groffman, and Cs. Csuzdi. Szlávecz, K.: Earthworms, soils and N-cycling in remnant forest patches in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. LTER All Scientist Meeting Seattle, WA, Sep 18-21 (2003).
  18. Szlávecz, K. and R. V. Pouyat: Earthworm diversity and abundance in the urban landscape. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Tucson (2002).
  19. Szlávecz, K, R.V. Pouyat, V. Giorgio and Cs. Csuzdi: Earthworms and soils in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: Is there and urban-rural gradient? BES 5th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, (2002).
  20. Harris, J. and K. Szlávecz. The distribution of earthworms in suburban neighborhoods and forests. BES 5th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, (2002).
  21. Stiltz, J. and K. Szlávecz. Neighborhood scale assessment of soil arthropod diversity. BES 5th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, (2002).
  22. Hornung, E., Z. Korsos, Cs. Csuzdi, and K. Szlávecz: Introduction and establishment and invasion of non-native species: terminological issues. Hungarian Biological Society Annual Meeting, Budapest (2002).
  23. Szlávecz, K. and E. Hornung. Terrestrial Isopods in Urban Forests. 5th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Irakleio, Greece (2001).
  24. Jahren, H. and K. Szlávecz. Carbon Isotope Composition of Terrestrial Isopods: New Applications from Novel Analyses. 5th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Irakleio, Greece (2001).
  25. Szlávecz, K., E. Hornung, Cs. Csuzdi and Z. Korsos. Diversity and Dynamics of Soil Invertebrates in Urban Forests. Ecological Society of America 86th Annual Meeting, Madison, WI (2001).
  26. Szlávecz, K., Cs. Csuzdi, E. Hornung and Z. Korsos. Exotic Invertebrates in Urban Forest Soils. 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology, Hilo, Hawaii (2001).
  27. Szlávecz, K., Cs. Csuzdi, E. Hornung and Z. Korsos. Zoogeographical Origin, and Biodiversity of Soil Fauna in Baltimore and Budapest: a Comparison. Baltimore Ecosystem Study 4th Annual Meeting (2001).
  28. Valentino, M.J. and K. Szlávecz. The Relationship Between Urban and Rural Leaf Litter Quality and Abundance of Isopods and Diplopods. Baltimore Ecosystem Study 4th Annual Meeting (2001).
  29. Lang, L. and K. Szlávecz. Habitat Assessment in Rural and Urban Forests in Baltimore. Baltimore Ecosystem Study 4th Annual Meeting (2001).
  30. Placella, S. and K. Szlávecz and Cs. Csuzdi. Sustainable Agroecosystems: Alternative Farming Methods and Soil Fauna. Baltimore Ecosystem Study 4th Annual Meeting (2001).
  31. Pouyat, R., K. Szlávecz, P. Groffman and A. Lorefice. The Effect of Urbanization on Forest Soil Dynamics – AIBS Annual Meeting: Biology: Challenges for the New Millenium, Washington, D.C. (2000).
  32. Szlávecz, K., E. Hornung, Cs. Csuzdi, Z. Korsos. Exotic Species in Urban Forest Soils. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, (2000).
  33. Szlávecz, K., R. Pouyat, Cs. Csuzdi, and M.Valentino. Diversity and Abundance of Earthworms in Urban Landscapes. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, (2000).
  34. Valentino, M. and Szlávecz. Earthworms and Human Impact. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, (2000).
  35. Hornung, E., K. Szlávecz, Cs. Csuzdi, and Z. Korsos). Stowaways in the soil: Exotic Invertebrates in Urban Forests. 5th Congress of the Hungarian Ecological Society (2000).
  36. Szlávecz, K., Cs. Csuzdi and N. Kreiter. Soil invertebrate studies at BES: Objectives, Methodology and Preliminary Data. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, (1999).
  37. Szlávecz, K, V.C. Maiorana and M. Pobozsny: "Coprophagy in terrestrial isopods: what, when, how much" - Fourth International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods - Haifa, Israel, (1997) .
  38. Szlávecz, K.: "Biodiversity in the soil" - MAEOE Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA. (1996).
  39. Szlávecz, K., C. Swarth and M. Reynolds: "Terrestrial snail in an aquatic environment: iet and habitat selection of Oxyloma effusa" - Ecological Society Annual Meeting, rovidence, Rhode Island, (1996).
  40. Szlávecz, K., M. Pobozsny and Cs. Csuzdi: "Woody debris as food for soil invertebrates" - Fifth European Ecological Conference, Budapest, Hungary, (1995).
  41. Szlávecz, K. and C. Swarth: "Wetland monitoring with volunteers in Jug Bay Wetland Sanctuary, Maryland, USA" - Fifth European Ecological Conference, Budapest, Hungary (1995).
  42. Szlávecz, K. and M. Pobozsny: "The role of coprophagy in the feeding behaviour of saprophagous isopods and diplopods" - Third Hungarian Congress of Ecology, Szeged, Hungary (1994).
  43. Szlávecz, K.: "Role of terrestrial isopods in leaf litter decomposition in a mixed deciduous forest" - "The Functional Significance and Regulation of Soil Biodiversity", Meeting of the Soil Ecology Society, East Lansing, MI, USA, (1993)
  44. Szlávecz, K. and M.Pobozsny: "Coprophagy of isopods and diplopods: a case for interaction" - 11th International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Jyväskylä, Finland, (1992).
  45. Szlávecz, K.: "Diversity and spatial variation of the isopod community structure in the Bátorliget Nature Reserve" - Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Symposium on the "Evolution of Isopods to Life on Land", Vancouver, Canada, (1992).
  46. Szlávecz, K.: "The isopod fauna of the Bátorliget Nature Reserves" - Second Hungarian Congress of Ecology, Keszthely, Hungary, 1991
  47. Szlávecz, K. and I.Loksa: "Distribution of soil arthropods in the Bátorliget Nature Reserves" - Fourth European Congress of Entomology, Gödöllö, Hungary, (1991).
  48. Szlávecz, K.: "Food selection of isopods in pairwise choice tests" - Third Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Poitiers, France, 1990
  49. Szlávecz, K.: "Food selection of terrestrial isopods in the laboratory and the Bradley-Terry model" - Hung. Biol. Soc. Zoology Section Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 1990
  50. Szlávecz, K., L.G. Kömüves and S. Gueth : "Effects of heavy metal contamination on the midgut gland of a terrestrial isopod, Porcellio scaber" - Second European Congress on Cell Biology, Budapest, Hungary, (1986).
  51. Szlávecz, K.: "Food selection of Protracheoniscus amoenus (Crustacea: Isopoda) in relation to food quality" - IVth International Congress of Ecology, Syracuse, USA, (1986).
  52. Szlávecz, K., L.G. Kömüves & S. Gueth: "Heavy metal accumulation in terrestrial isopods: an electronmicroscopic, biochemical and X-ray fluorescence study" - 17th Congress of the Hungarian Biological Society, Szeged, Hungary (1986).
  53. Szlávecz, K.: "Diet of Protracheoniscus amoenus in a mixed deciduous forest" - Second Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Urbino, Italy, (1986).
  54. Szlávecz, K.: "Food selection and nocturnal behaviour of Monadenia hillebrandi mariposa" - Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists, Santa Barbara, USA, 1985
  55. Szlávecz, K., L.Kömüves and S. Gueth: "Lead accumulation in Porcellio scaber Latr." - Hung. Biol. Soc. Zoology Section Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, (1984).
  56. Szlávecz, K., K. Dózsa-Farkas, I., Loksa, M. Pobozsny, A. Zicsi: "The soil fauna on the lakeshore region of the Balaton Lake" - Symposium on the Ecology of the Balaton Lake, Budapest, Hungary, (1984).
  57. Szlávecz, K.: "Preliminary data on the food consumption of Protracheoniscus amoenus C.L.Koch" - Symposium on the Biology of the Forest Leaf Litter, Budapest, Hungary, (1983).